Little Kickers
More than just Football with Little Kickers
Attract and produce more Little Kickers.
Recognise Little Kickers as more than just a football class.
Created a fun and colourful template to create more awareness on the brand’s social media page.
Made the fanpage interesting by having witty captions as well as interactive posts with its fans and members.
Little Kickers did more workshops and camps for the public to join, creating exposure for the brand.
Videos were uploaded to show the inside of Little Kickers for a closer connection toward the brand, and to advertise that Little Kickers is #MoreThanJustFootball.
Performance Highlight
Little Kickers expanded rapidly to Menteng, Pakubuwono, BSD, Pluit and Senayan within 3 years of first operation.
New franchise had successful FREE trials sign-ups.
Several mum-bloggers blog about their kids’ journey with Little Kickers.
Development of social media postings based on the core brand story and marketing objectives that encompass festivity related greeting, announcements and also other related posts. Other marketing collateral was created to support the brand initiatives.
Live cam and on-ground activation for Little Kickers event across Indonesia.