This movement puts a fun, conversation-starting 🗣 twist on the serious health issues men face, specifically mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.
The movement was founded by the Movember Foundation in 2003. The internationally recognised month-long campaign raises money 💰 and encourages people to grow out their moustache or stick one on to spark conversations about men's health.
There are steps men can take to improve 📈 their health and longevity, starting with yearly checkups with a physician. These checkups will cover the basics including blood 🩸 pressure, cholesterol, and scheduling blood tests that screen for prostate cancer, diabetes, liver issues and anemia as well as screenings based on family history.
At age 45, men should have a baseline colonoscopy to screen for colon cancer. By 50, it is time to get the shingles vaccine 💉, and at 60 years old, men should get a tri-vascular screening to check for aneurysms and blockages in their blood flow.