Succeed 🌟 By Kicking People’s Ass
There are marketing plans, and then there is THE marketing plan.
A business firm has to make various marketing decisions. These decisions 🤔 actually emerge from the complex interaction of a large number of persons carrying out diverse responsibilities in the marketing organisation. Being part and parcel of the overall management, the marketing executives are deeply involved in the process of planning 🧠. Marketing planning defines the role and responsibilities of marketing executives in such a way as to achieve the goals of the firm.
It lays emphasis on the allocation of marketing resources in the best and most economical 💰 way. It gives an intelligent direction of marketing operations. Marketing planning involves the preparation of policies 📄, programmes, budgets etc., in advance for carrying out the various activities and functions of marketing to attain the marketing goals.
According to the American Marketing Association, “marketing planning is the work of setting up objectives for marketing activity and of determining and scheduling the steps 👣 necessary to achieve such objectives”. Planning is the first management function to be performed in the process of management. It governs survival, growth 🌱, and prosperity of any enterprise in a competitive and ever-changing environment.
Planning precedes activity in any purposeful endeavour. Business firms naturally undertake a good 👍 deal of planning. Business firms have to master the environment and score over their competitors. Thus, in the case of a business firm, planning is always strategic in character. A firm cannot afford to travel in a haphazard ⚠️ manner; it has to travel with the support of a route map.
Every company must look 👀 ahead and determine where it wants to go and how to get there. Its future should not be left to chance. To meet this need, companies use two ✌️ systems: a strategic planning system and a marketing planning system. Strategic planning provides the route-map 🚏 for the firm, and it serves as the hedge against risk and uncertainty.
Marketing planning is a systematic and disciplined exercise to formulate 🧮 marketing strategies. It can be related to the organisation as a whole or to strategic business units (SBU). Marketing planning is a forward looking exercise, which determines the future 🔮 strategies of an organisation with special reference to its product development, market development, channel design, sales promotion, and profitability.
It helps in avoiding future uncertainties, helps in management by objectives, helps in achieving objectives, helps in coordination and communication 🗣 among the departments, helps in control, and helps the customers in getting full satisfaction.
Here are 6 tips you need to know to create a kick ass, take no prisoners marketing plan:
1️⃣ What are you selling?
The very first ☝️ thing you need to do is to know exactly what you are selling. Sometimes, you are better off selling the factually correct ✅ product or service and sometimes you are better off selling the solution to a problem.
If you have read anything on the internet 🌐(i.e. a blog), then you are aware that much of marketing is done via the internet these days. You probably did not just type in the whole long url to get there. You might have come from a Google search 🔍, seeing a social media post, or even being subscribed to a blog feed. All of these ways of finding someone require words, more specifically keywords. No matter how you pick your keywords, you want to take your products or services you are selling and make sure to research 🧐 each to know what keywords you should actually target for those terms.
2️⃣ Who are you selling to?
This is the most important thing to consider when doing your marketing plan. If you do not know who you are selling to, you cannot effectively plan ✍️ how to market to them. Gone are the days when you could head out to social media, make friends and sell “stuff”.
Today, you need to be laser-focused on who you are trying to reach and where they are going to be spending their time ⏰, online or offline. Because of all the competing marketing messages, namely email, texting 📱, billboards, postcards, and networking, you have to make sure that all of your efforts are concentrated on reaching your exact customer, exactly where they are.
3️⃣ What is your budget?
The next thing to consider is how much do you have to spend. For example, you can have a goal to spend about RM1,000 a month in marketing across all of the channels. Your budget may be higher 📈 or lower than that. In this number you can include the cost of buying training programs or getting coaching on how to do some specific kind of marketing. Check out 👉 for marketing training programs.
4️⃣ What are your assets?
While budget is definitely a consideration when figuring out your marketing plan, more-so is taking a look at what your assets are. When you are getting your marketing plan together, it is vital that you play to your (or your team's) strengths 💪 and weaknesses. It is important to know that if you set a goal to make 7 videos a week and hate doing them, it will not work out as planned.
5️⃣ Have you set your targets?
You need to know what your goal 🥅 is for all this marketing. A frequent mistake is that a business owner will say that they want “a sale” from their marketing. Now, this is great if they have an ecommerce site and are directly ➡️ selling on the internet. However, even for them, sales often come after a number of different exposures to the product or service.
6️⃣ Get down to business
Marketing is a sexy 🔥 pastime when done at high levels. Getting all dolled up for a photo shoot or buying the latest video camera are fun and festive. Going to networking or speaking at an event is a rush 💨, but now comes the challenging part. None of those marketing efforts work without having a plan for each. For networking, your plan could be to add them to your database, send a video email to say”hi” 👋, follow that up with a phone call, and then send a personal note. Each and every person that you meet should run through that process.
Do you want to get more customers and make more money than you ever dreamed by creating a kick ass, take no prisoners marketing plan? Make that possible by sliding into our DMs 🤩😎!
Jacobsen, T. 2014, September 4. How To Create A Kick Ass, Take No Prisoners Marketing Plan.
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