Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development Module



As a manager of others, you are a role model, and your behaviours will be observed and copied by team members. To manage others effectively you need to be able to organise yourself and them and focus their work on tasks that are meaningful for the business. Particular emphasis should be on setting and meeting priorities, analysing information and using a range of strategies to develop further competence. Achieving business goals requires all employees to align their personal work goals with those of the business. That includes developing skills and knowledge to fill any gaps that may exist, or to continually look to improve your performance in your job.


Who are we looking for?

Trainee / participant characteristics and targeted industries:

It applies to individuals working in managerial positions who have excellent organisational skills.

  • Company owners, employers, and employees of Small and Medium Enterprises [SMEs] from the following:

    • HRDF registered SME Employers / company owners.

    • Non-HRDF registered SME Employers / company owners.

    • SME Employees from HRDF registered SME Companies.

    • SME Employees from Non-HRDF registered SME Companies.



By the end of the training programme, a participant / trainee should be able to:

  1. Establish personal work goals.

    • Creating a positive role model in the workplace by designing efficient and effective personal work planning.

    • Demonstrating personal work goals, plans and activities reflect the organisation’s plans, and own responsibilities and accountabilities.

    • Measure and maintain personal performance in varying work conditions, work contexts and when contingencies occur.

  2. Set and meet own work priorities.

    • Facilitating competing demands to achieve personal, team and organisational goals and objectives.

    • Using technology efficiently and effectively to manage work priorities and commitments.

    • Discovering appropriate work-life balance, and ensure stress is effectively managed and health is attended to.

  3. Develop and maintain professional competence.

    • Assessing personal knowledge and skills against competency standards to determine development needs, priorities and plans.

    • Examining feedback from employees, clients and colleagues and use this feedback to identify and develop ways to improve competence.

    • Identification, evaluation, and selection of the use development opportunities suitable to personal learning style/s to develop competence.

    • Participating in networks to enhance personal knowledge, skills and work relationships.

    • Identifying and develop new skills to achieve and maintain a competitive edge.