#Sanford Peduli, community programme to instill
To create a strong bond between its brand and the people by providing clean and healthy natural mineral water to its consumers and to get recognition.
Lack of social media presence, a Facebook and an Instagram page was created for the brand in order to create more awareness on the brand’s name online as the presence is significant in this digital era, giving the brand an even more wider exposure to the world.
A powerful hashtag (#SanfordPeduli) was initiated into all of its posts online to form a community of awareness on the importance of drinking water and to show that Sanford cares for its people.
Sanford was also engaged in several organisations and events as a supporter and sponsor in order to get the name of the brand out and known, and to create a bond between the brand and the people.
Performance Highlight
Sanford business was expanded to Semarang in September 2017.
Sanford Mineral Water was featured in Bening magazine in October 2017.
It was also featured in several newspapers as a supporter and sponsor for several organisations and events.