Everyone Can Be Hollywood Superstars 🀩 With These Tips


Hollywood ⭐️ is well known around the world as a content producer.

However, as a brand, the valuable, relevant, and consistent films πŸŽ₯ that Hollywood creates with the design of attracting and retaining fans makes it quite the content marketer too.

Marketers can learn a lot from Hollywood. From brand building and brand storytelling πŸ“– to marketing strategy and more, marketing lessons from Hollywood do not only come from film promotional πŸ“£ campaigns. They come from the creative and production processes as well. Here are 6 lessons marketers can learn from Hollywood:


1️⃣ Repurpose what works

Through analytics πŸ“Š, brands today can easily gauge what content is performing best among their audience. Once that is identified, the next step is to brainstorm 🧠 ways to extend its lifespan and value. For example, breaking up a well-read blog into smaller bits to be shared via social media. Once your brand identifies πŸ” content that is clicking with your audience, think about how it can be used to create β€œsequels”, β€œspinoffs”, or β€œreboots”. You know, just like Hollywood does.


2️⃣ Quality over quantity

When producing or curating content, quality is superior πŸ’ͺ to quantity. Even a piece that generates a lot of views πŸ‘€ and engagement (or even ticket sales) can ultimately be a destructive πŸ’₯ dud if its poor quality reflects negatively on your brand. Focus on creating and sharing content for your brand and customers that is truly valuable πŸ’°, and not just voluble.


3️⃣ Authenticity is everything

Rather than just churning out mediocre content, spend the time ⏰ and thought to develop high-quality pieces and authentic communications that truly connect πŸ”— with your audience and provide them with tangible value. Customers will dismiss it if your content and brand do not feel real and provide desired details and insights.


4️⃣ Not everyone will like it and think it is good

This lesson should apply to every new ✨ product development project and every marketing initiative. It does not matter what you think πŸ’­. All that matters is what your target 🎯 audience thinks and what is important and meaningful to them.


5️⃣ Independent films do not have to follow rules, but they have to be good

That lesson can be applied to all products and services. Great πŸ‘ products, services, and brands have a chance to succeed. On the other hand, bad products, services, and brands might get lucky πŸ€ and enjoy some short-term 🀏 success, but it is not likely to last.


6️⃣ Your story must be honest and relatable

This refers to the elements of a good story that can be turned into a successful 🌟 film. However, honesty, trust 🀝, transparency, and relevancy are some of the most important aspects of a powerful brand story as well. Without a strong foundation 🧱, based on an honest and transparent brand promise that customers can believe, apply to their own lives and trust, your marketing success will be limited.

Want to be a Hollywood superstar in the marketing world? Follow us and slide into our direct messages to become one 🀩😎!



Gunelius, S. 2013, November 20. 3 Marketing Lessons From Hollywood

Wischnowsky, D. 2016, January 14. What Can Hollywood Teach Brands About Content Marketing?. Medium.


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