Find your focus 🧐

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Over the last week we've been discussing about how consumer expect more from the brands they frequent as times get tougher πŸ˜–. Today, let us show you the seven trends to help executives break through this wall of uncertainty and take action.

These trends can enable leaders to respond to customer needs as they unfold, pivot business models to better align to evolving needs, and foster the human connection we all crave. Here are the seven global 🌍 marketing trends that share the common theme of breaking out of our often defensive mindsets to more holistically - and authentically meeting human needs:


1️⃣ Purpose

Organisations inherently understand why they exist and who they are best built to serve regardless of what they sell today are uniquely positioned to navigate unprecedented change.


2️⃣ Agility

The time is just right for marketers to leverage relevant digital tools and design an organisational road map πŸ—ΊοΈ to make agile marketing a reality. Agile marketing requires a single, unified organisational view of the customer, which can be gained through a customer data platform.


3️⃣ Human Experience

Pivot your thinking from speed-to-market and efficiency plays to fostering the human connection. Organisations should view themselves as human entities that mirror πŸͺž - and support - the values of those they are built to serve. Virtual experiences have diminishing returns as technology can not fully compensate for in-person interactions.


4️⃣ Trust

To build trust in these turbulent times, brands should look at what people value - rather than what they look like - and ensure their promises are in sync with their competence to deliver on them. When a brand connects on a humane, empathic level, people are more open to trusting its intentions and believing that their needs are truly being addressed.


5️⃣ Participation

Marketers can benefit - and stay ahead of the competition - by crafting an engagement strategy that leans into customer participation at its deepest levels. Customer engagement is quickly becoming a two-way street where customers participate as brand ambassadors, influencers, collaborators, and innovators.


6️⃣ Fusion

Organisations can better help the people they serve by creating innovative experiences through cross-industry partnerships. People don’t need cars πŸš—, they need to get from point A to point B, just as they don’t need surgery, they need to be well.


7️⃣ Talent

As the marketing landscape undergoes rapid changes, talent models should evolve in-step to position marketing as a competitive differentiator. Marketers need to push talent transformation to the forefront of their agenda to address this accelerated pace of change.

Talk to us today to understand and learn more about the impact of these trends in the marketplace and HOW to embrace them to drive growth for your organisation 🀩😎!



Deloitte insight, 2021 Global Marketing Trends: Find your focus


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