If you asked someone to list a few factors that impact business performance, paraskevidekatriaphobia probably would not show up on the list 🗒. However, perhaps it should. A reported 9 percent of Americans are paraskevidekatriaphobics, and studies 🧐 show that $800 million to $900 million in business revenue is lost on that ominous date.
Chances are that most people have engaged 🤝 in some kind of superstitious behaviour in a business setting, whether it is by wearing a lucky suit 👔 to an interview or scheduling an important meeting in alignment with a good horoscope. Irrational? Yes, but according to Stuart Vyse, professor of psychology at Connecticut College, these actions are understandable, especially in times of economic 💲 uncertainty.
Although Vyse is not a proponent of irrational behaviour, he acknowledges that there are certain psychological benefits ✅. For example, more confidence and a sense of comfort, linked 🔗 to superstitious rituals. "Crazy or not, you feel better having done them."